The Historie (of the KRML)


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   Saturday, July 13, 2002  
The concern spiked alarmingly.
While activity in the Great One's
Groups is trickling in,
The third day brings red flags.
The lift called and cancelled but
All is premature. Hours become restored.
The arrogance is wrong, the alteration
Of fate can never be semi-retired.
Business picks up and in the end
The Great One learns that Fate
Cannot all be forced his way.
The shock brings on the headache,
Weariness and heartache:
A moderator leaves a valued group
Without any reason
In the midst of a tech-rennaisance.

The Historie: Passage 30, Stanza 3, Verse 2
   posted by Ultraman1973 at 2:37 PM


A poetic epic history of the Keller Reserve Mercenary Legions