The Historie (of the KRML)


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   Monday, July 22, 2002  
Fate fights back!
The struggle to keep one's plans
And one's expectations on course
From a collision with the starship Damned.
The Great One starts to learn that no one
Messes with fate for long without payback.
The struggle gets to him, throws off his cycle.
In search to replace a device, he runs into a dead end,
But gets another device he thinks could back up files.
It does in a way but can not place them back on computer.
He thinks about keeping.
Then Great News from the Fatherland:
The Great One's Greatest Aunt, Nancy,
Sister of the Great Father, comes!
The future does not come soon enough.

The Historie: Passage 30, Stanza 3, Verse 3
   posted by Ultraman1973 at 6:34 AM


A poetic epic history of the Keller Reserve Mercenary Legions