The Historie (of the KRML)


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   Saturday, May 10, 2003  
Newer beginnings of new pain
And new relief
Reminds one that one is still alive.
Great One a year older
Greatest War another year past.
Future is still in flux.

Passage 31, Stanza 1, Verse 1

The end of the thirtieth year
Of the Eleven Hundred Year War
Fraught with already great pain
The chaos of the Wars of Chaos,
The ebb and flow of the tides of uncertainty,
Lap and eat away at families and sanities.
Ends and beginnings of new frontiers and old ways,
New ways, great ways,
Breakdowns of other ways.
The thirty-first year of War will see increased torment to
Both friend and foe alike.

Passage 30, Stanza 12, Verse 4

Times are rough,
The rocks at the bottom
Of life's waterfalls aren't wearing down fast enough.
New subscriptions for new traditions get underway.
Old loose ends get tied up and crossed lines
Get uncrossed in the crossfire
Interfire flame war flashburn of communications.
Some things wind down to an end...the end of things...

Passage 30, Stanza 12, Verse 3

Tides of uncertainty
Tides of change and fate in flux
Crisis of pain and the blame to the One
In the Palace of White the One once ridiculed
Became a "hero" supersized.
Nothing more than a scapegoat at least
And one that sucks money out of
The Budgets of services that people need at the worst.
The Money Vampire will never win.
He'll never see the seat of power again.
May he burn in HELL!!!!!!
May his unholy remains become like the
Remains of William Wallace!! His unholy soul
Never finding peace!!

Passage 30, Stanza 12, Verse 2

A week of common tension
A bolt from the blue of inevitability
Or is it?
Is it the fault of one I was beginning to trust?
Were the critics right? Was I wrong?
He's going to pay!!
He's going to pay all right!!

Passage 30, Stanza 12, Verse 1

The chaos of Spring Break over
Brings shock upon shock.
Suspension of disbelief
As the Great One is the last to know.
A flunk test on the heels of death,
The bell tolls for the dear instructor
As well as yet another grade for withdrawal.
Where's the shoes?
Where's the cheese?

Passage 30, Stanza 11, Verse 5

Time still vice grips
As pressures and luxuries, bread and circuses,
Worries and trials and tribulations
Pull in many directions...
Headaches from many different reasons
With old men having brain farts...
Stress from real and imagined threats
Coupled by the moronic throngs,
Wear on the Great One.

Passage 30, Stanza 11, Verse 4
Passage 30, Stanza 11, Verse 3
Passage 30, Stanza 11, Verse 2
Passage 30, Stanza 11, Verse 1
Passage 30, Stanza 10, Verse 4
Passage 30, Stanza 10, Verse 3
Passage 30, Stanza 10, Verse 2
Passage 30, Stanza 10, Verse 1
Passage 30, Stanza 9, Verse 4
Passage 30, Stanza 9, Verse 3
Passage 30, Stanza 9, Verse 2
Passage 30, Stanza 9, Verse 1
Passage 30, Stanza 8, Verse 4
Passage 30, Stanza 8, Verse 3
Passage 30, Stanza 8, Verse 2
Passage 30, Stanza 8, Verse 1
Passage 30, Stanza 7, Verse 5
Passage 30, Stanza 7, Verse 4
Passage 30, Stanza 7, Verse 3

The attempts at passing doesn't work
The class is made more difficult...
More difficult than it has already been
By laziness and conflicting plans
And too much on people's plates.
The weight of the world is on the Great One's
Blessed shoulders as the catastrophic possibility
Looms ever closer.

Passage 30, Stanza 7, Verse 2

The good news month starts.
While things look down for some people
Events are getting better for other people
In the Imperial Family.
The fight goes on and on and new feelings
For old and new friends surface.
Here starts reconstruction and new attempts
And also new beginnings.

Passage 30, Stanza 7, Verse 1

Information is Ammunition.
The old adage proven true
At midweek when the Usurper
And Destroyer came for her check.
"Not enough hours" she said,
She cried.
"Tough crap," the Great One thought,
And turned away happy for that.
Still unhappy for the lack of hours to come
And the Eternal Sawtooth.
The Anniversary passes, with no
Critical moves or setbacks.

Passage 30, Stanza 6, Verse 4

One week from Halloween
And the Blond Usurper tells of her
Plans to celebrate the holiday with
Her daughter...going as the witch she is.
Good witch but bad inside, evil looking good
But tricky.
Should I trust her? NO.

Passage 30, Stanza 6, Verse 3

Halloween approaches
And so is the one Anniversary
Of the starting of hostilities
Of the Eleven Hundred Year War.
The tension mounts and would
We survive the Crisis??

Passage 30, Stanza 6, Verse 2

The scary month
And real things with real people
With real needs
Are more scary to those that matter
Than just scary stories and scary outfits
On a scary night at month's end.

Passage 30, Stanza 6, Verse 1

The hours gradually lessen.
To perilously close to 20
While paranoid rumors gradually become more clear
That they are true.
The blond usurper and destroyer quits.
Breathe easier...
Breathe easier....

Passage 30, Stanza 5, Verse 4

The hours plateau out with stress and conflict
On all fronts. Fear and uncertainty rushes
Heart and adrenaline...
As the war of needs continue.

Passage 30, Stanza 5, Verse 3

Another week
The sawtoothed grin on the schedule
Grins out with malice.
The uncertainty and unfairness hidden behind
Blond curly locks and beautiful friendly blues
And a disarming smile.

Passage 30, Stanza 5, Verse 2
   posted by Ultraman1973 at 10:33 PM


A poetic epic history of the Keller Reserve Mercenary Legions